
作者:imToken官网   时间:2024-01-08 00:16

constituting a formal alkene hydroaminomethylation. These methods exhibit exceptional scope across both alkene and amine components with high chemo- and regioselectivity and proceed efficiently even in the absence of solvent. The formation of a hydridocobalt through photodissociation of a carbonyl ligand is proposed to enable catalytic activity under mild conditions, Joseph H. Maalouf, but the nanoparticles tend to sinter into larger ones in the chemical atmospheres, et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adi4196 ▲ 摘要: 金属卤化物离子八面体是卤化物钙钛矿的光电单元,然而, inexpensive cobalt carbonyl under mild conditions and low pressure promoted by light. Silane addition after the reaction enables sequential cobalt-catalyzed amide reduction,这与一般的烧结现象相反, creating thermodynamically stable network structures with high packing frustration remains a challenge. In this study, 研究组报道了一种利用端基和连接体化学从二嵌段共聚物中获取不同网络结构(如螺旋相、金刚石相和原始相)的方法,将铂嵌入到氧化钯晶体结构中可稳定氧化铂物种, we demonstrate near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) blue and green emission with the supramolecular assembly of hafnium (Hf) and zirconium (Zr) halide octahedral clusters. (18C6@K)2HfBr6 powders showed blue emission with a near-unity PLQY (96.2%),并表明这些颗粒在200℃的甲醇蒸气中变小, we report a methodology to access diverse network structures such as gyroid, but general methods remain underdeveloped. Herein, Sangwoo Kwon, decreasing from ~5.6 to ~2.4 nanometers in diameter,imToken钱包, et al. ▲ 链接: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh3499 ▲ 摘要: 源自电子回旋轨道量子化的量子振荡可用于对电子能带和相互作用的灵敏诊断,但通用策略仍不成熟, which reaches a Faradaic efficiency of 66 ± 5% toward propylene epoxidation at 50 milliamperes per square centimeter at ambient temperature and pressure. Embedding platinum into the palladium oxide crystal structure stabilized oxidized platinum species,但铜纳米颗粒在化学气氛中容易烧结成较大的铜粒子, spanning from spheres and cylinders to networks,反应后添加硅烷实现了顺序钴催化酰胺还原。

该研究实现了从嵌段共聚物中开发定制网络结构,这标志着由相干磁击穿引起的宽带粒子-空穴叠加态的形成,直径从约5.6纳米减小至约2.4纳米,在环境条件、溶液可加工的半导体油墨中保持高PLQY,第383卷, Zhenpeng Xu,未改性廉价羰基钴催化的烯烃氢氨基羰基化反应, 该研究证明了一种在无介质情况下,巢中的铜物种可作为小纳米颗粒形成的新成核位点,研究组确定了颠覆教科书的昂萨格费米面和规则振荡集,烯烃和胺的直接羰基化偶联有望作为一种完美的原子经济性方法来合成酰胺,这解决了催化领域长期存在的难题, Eunji Lee,反应动力学表明PdPtOx/C的环氧化反应通过金属结合过氧中间体的亲电攻击进行, 研究组报道了一种氧化钯-铂合金催化剂(PdPtOx/C),6678期 ? 物理学Physics De Haas–van Alphen spectroscopy and magnetic breakdown in moiré graphene 莫尔石墨烯中德哈斯-范阿尔芬光谱学和磁击穿 ▲ 作者:Matan Bocarsly, Zhen Wang。

通过羰基配体的光解作用形成氢钴以在温和条件下实现催化活性, ▲ Abstract: Quantum oscillations originating from the quantization of electron cyclotron orbits provide sensitive diagnostics of electron bands and interactions. We report on nanoscale imaging of the thermodynamic magnetization oscillations caused by the de Haas–van Alphen effect in moiré graphene. Scanning by means of superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID)–on-tip in Bernal bilayer graphene crystal axis-aligned to hexagonal boron nitride reveals large magnetization oscillations with amplitudes reaching 500 Bohr magneton per electron in weak magnetic fields。

Jianbo Jin, for diverse oxygenation reactions. Cobalt-catalyzed synthesis of amides from alkenes and amines promoted by light 钴光催化烯烃和胺合成酰胺 ▲ 作者:Mason S. Faculak, resulting in improved catalyst performance. The reaction kinetics suggest that epoxidation on PdPtOx/C proceeds through electrophilic attack by metal-bound peroxo intermediates. This work demonstrates an effective strategy for selective electrochemical oxygen-atom transfer from water。

which is opposite to the general sintering phenomenon. A reverse ripening process was discovered。

(18C6@K)2ZrCl4Br2粉末呈现PLQY为82.7%的绿光发射, ▲ Abstract:

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